tushetis istoriul-etnograpiuli dzeglebis kartograpireba [historical-ethnographical map of Tusheti] Courtesy of Giorgi Mamardashvili from the State Museum of Georgia. The definition is poor, but familiarity with the region should enable one to glean some information from the map. - - -
qvara-tianetis salotsavebi [map of holy places in Qvara-Tianeti] Courtesy of Giorgi Mamardashvili from the State Museum of Georgia. The definition is poor, but familiarity with the region should enable one to glean some information from the map. - - -
pirikita khevsuretis djvar-khatebis ruka [a map of shrines and holy places in pirikita khevsureti] Courtesy of Giorgi Mamardashvili from the State Museum of Georgia. The definition is poor, but familiarity with the region should enable one to glean some information from the map. - - -
- piraketa khevsuretis djvar-khatebis ruka [a map of shrines and holy places in piraketa khevsureti] Courtesy of Giorgi Mamardashvili from the State Museum of Georgia. The definition is poor, but familiarity with the region should enable one to glean some information from the map. - - -